Kevin Blackston
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America

Philosateleian Blog

Purgatory Post depicts Blanding’s turtle on WLPD stamp

World Local Post Day 2023 took place on January 30, but at least one WLPD stamp was officially issued a little over a week after that date.

New Hampshire’s Purgatory Post on February 7 issued a 23-sola stamp picturing a Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii). The endangered species is native to portions of Canada and the United States including New Hampshire, and its shell can grow up to 10 inches long.

23-sola Purgatory Post stamp picturing Blanding’s Turtle
Purgatory Post 23-sola Blanding’s Turtle stamp

“It’s one of the few species on the New Hampshire endangered list, and has been seen not too far from my house,” writes Purgatory Post operator Scott A.

The theme for World Local Post Day this year was local flora and fauna, which makes the Blanding’s turtle a most relevant selection for Purgatory Post.

Rule change could see mail with counterfeit stamps go in trash

Late last year, I wrote about the scourge of counterfeit Forever stamps flooding various online marketplaces. Although priced well below face value, such listings are usually (if not always) for counterfeit stamps, and I’ve encouraged my readers to steer clear of such offerings.

If you’ve been on the fence about that idea, maybe a proposed rule change from the United States Postal Service will help change your mind. Barring any unexpected retraction of the change, the Domestic Mail Manual will be revised to reflect that, beginning April 1, “mail bearing counterfeit postage will be considered abandoned and disposed of at the discretion of the Postal Service.”

Yes, you read that correctly. Use counterfeit stamps, knowingly or unknowingly, and if your mail is caught, it goes in the trash without ever reaching its intended destination.

On one hand, I kind of like this idea. The USPS has received no payment for transporting or delivering mail with counterfeit stamps attached, so why should we expect them to do so? It would be like going into a store and handing the cashier an obviously fake $100 bill and expecting them to hand your purchase to you with a smile and no questions asked.

On the other hand…I’m guessing most people who buy discounted Forever stamps online aren’t aware that they’re purchasing counterfeit goods, and they’ll be mad that their mail didn’t get where it was supposed to go while they received no notification that there was even a problem.

Besides that, a lot of mail with counterfeit stamps currently seems to get to where it’s addressed without being assessed postage due, which suggests to me that either the USPS employees handling such mail either a) don’t notice or less likely b) don’t care. In that respect, I don’t know how much the proposed rule change will save the Postal Service vs. the potential lost good will of its customers.

It certainly seems like a sticky situation. What do you think of the proposed change?

Prison Fellowship business reply envelope bears preprinted flowers

The latest business reply envelope with faux postage to arrive in the family mailbox comes from Prison Fellowship Ministries. The envelope, which is smaller than standard business size, has three stamp-sized images picturing various flowers printed on it.

Prison Fellowship business reply envelope with three stamp-sized designs picturing flowers
Prison Fellowship business reply envelope with stamp-sized designs picturing flowers

The green triangles along the upper edge of the envelope add a bit of additional color.

I had never heard of this nonprofit before, but I’m glad they’ve gone the BRE “fauxstage” route. It gives us something to talk about!

Closeup scans of PSCS, Manila Local Post stamps

When I wrote about the Philippine Stamp Collectors’ Society Local Post for the first time last December, I mentioned information I’d received indicated provisional stamps with face values of P1.00, P15.00, P18.00, and P21.00 had been prepared, but that I had not yet seen them. Today, I’m happy to report that I have seen them, and can share a scan with you.

P1.00, P15.00, P18.00, and P21.00 PSCS Local Post provisional stamps with PSCS logo
P1.00, P15.00, P18.00, and P21.00 PSCS Local Post provisional stamps

Ann F., the operator of Manila Local Post, confirmed that the stamps went into use in November 2022.

Manila Local Post last month issued a local post stamp picturing the Rizal Monument in Manila, Philippines, a stamp I’d previously reported seeing on the back of a San Diego Local Post cover. I now have one properly used on a cover from the Philippines, too.

P1 Manila Local Post stamp picturing Rizal Monument
P1 Manila Local Post stamp picturing Rizal Monument

As you can see, there’s also a PSCS stamp or label next to the Manila Local Post stamp. It appears to picture a cartoon cat or something along those lines, but I don’t have any other information about it. Maybe at a future time!

San Diego Local Post issues Medinilla magnifica stamp

I wrote last week about a couple of the newest stamps from San Diego Local Post, and I have one more to share that was waiting on me the last time I checked my post office box. The 60¢ stamp picturing Medinilla magnifica was issued on World Local Post Day, January 30, 2023.

60¢ San Diego Local Post stamp picturing Medinilla magnifica
60¢ San Diego Local Post stamp picturing Medinilla magnifica

Medinilla magnifica or showy medinilla is a flowering plant found in the Philippines. It can reach heights of up to about 10 feet tall.

San Diego Local Post is part of the Philippine Stamp Collectors’ Society’s Local Post network, which explains the choice of the flower. Local flora and fauna (such as Medinilla magnifica) were the official topic for this year’s World Local Post Day.

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