Kevin Blackston
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America

Philosateleian Blog

Mick’s Local Post issues stamp honoring Woofles Cat

Mick’s Local Post of Portland, Oregon, recently issued a new stamp commemorating the life of Woofles Cat (?–2024). The Class A local post stamp features a photograph of Woofles against a black background.

Class A Mick’s Local Post Woofles Cat stamp
Class A Mick’s Local Post Woofles Cat stamp

Mick writes that he adopted Woofles when the cat was estimated to be around 10 years old, and that he thought of Woofles as his “best friend, because that is exactly what he was.”

The text on the stamp, which reads “Woofles Cat (??–2024)”, “Mick’s Local Post,” and “Class A,” would have benefited from significantly more contrast with the background. The subject matter, on the other hand, is in my opinion just great.

The topic is very much of relevance to the issuing entity unlike a lot of stamps produced by many countries including, I’m sorry to say, the United States. And it doesn’t matter that most people seeing this stamp probably never met or even previously heard of Woofles Cat; Mick produced the stamp anyway in honor of his furry friend. This is exactly the sort of thing I love about local post stamps, and I’m glad Mick made this one. Well done!

Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch distributes BRE for the birds

Since I have only one of these to share this go around, we’ll call it the “business reply envelope of the week.” This one comes from a mailing I recently received from Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, and bears three stamp-sized designs picturing various birds.

Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch business reply envelope with preprinted stamp-sized designs picturing birds
American Bible Society business reply envelope

It looks like this is the sixth different BRE I’ve received from Boys Ranch this year. That’s the highest number of distinct BREs I’ve seen from any one nonprofit in 2024. We’ll see if they add to that total before the close of the year!

Como Park Post issues Ukraine surcharge, wooden stamp

A mailing I received earlier this month from Como Park Post in Saint Paul, Minnesota, contained a couple of interesting new local post stamps.

The first is a “Support Ukraine” stamp picturing a woman and child on a background comprised of the flags of the United States and Ukraine. I initially reported on this stamp’s initial release in June 2013, but the 3¢ + $1 semipostal stamp has been surcharged to give it a new local postage face value of 5¢. The portion earmarked to support various Ukrainian relief organizations remains the same.

Como Park Post Support Ukraine 3¢ + $1 stamp with 5¢ overprint
Como Park Post Support Ukraine stamp

A surcharged local post semipostal stamp is an unusual thing, but the other stamp I received is even more unusual: it’s a 7¢ stamp printed on a thin layer of wood! You can even see the wood grain when you look at the reverse.

Como Park Post 7¢ wooden stamp
Como Park Post 7¢ wooden stamp
Como Park Post 7¢ wooden stamp
Como Park Post 7¢ wooden stamp (reverse)

Pretty neat stuff, right? Various postal administrations around the world have experimented with producing stamps using unusual materials, but for local posts, this is very much out of the ordinary. It will be interesting to see how many of these show up on cover!

The Fellowship, American Bible Society distribute BREs

I realize that my posts on business reply envelopes bearing preprinted stamp-sized designs must seem to come on an almost weekly basis sometimes, but I do have a couple more additions to mention today.

First is an envelope that was enclosed in a mailing my wife received from the American Bible Society. The preprinted designs on the envelope picture a snowflake, an angel, mistletoe, and a dove. All four have simulated printed perforations that definitely help make them look more like stamps.

American Bible Society business reply envelope with preprinted stamp-sized designs picturing a snowflake, an angel, mistletoe, and a dove
American Bible Society business reply envelope

The other BRE came from the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. It bears four images, two picturing a briefcase colored like the United States flag and two picturing the White House. Both designs bear the legend “United States of America,” and they have simulated printed die cutting.

International Fellowship of Christians and Jews business reply envelope with preprinted stamp-sized designs picturing White House and briefcase colored like United States flag
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews business reply envelope

And there you have it: two new entries in the business reply envelopes category.

Philosateleian Post honors Monument to the Forefathers

In celebration of World Local Post Day on January 27, 2025, Philosateleian Post is scheduled to issue a new local post stamp commemorating the National Monument to the Forefathers in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The 1-stamp stamp’s vignette pictures the figure of Faith, which tops the 81-foot granite sculpture previously known as the Pilgrim Monument.

1-stamp Philosateleian Post local post stamp picturing National Monument to the Forefathers
Philosateleian Post National Monument to the Forefathers stamp

In addition to Faith, by far the largest, the monument also bears the individual figures of Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty, along with other carvings and reliefs; a list of passengers who traveled aboard the Mayflower; and the following inscription: “National Monument to the Forefathers. Erected by a grateful people in remembrance of their labors, sacrifices and sufferings for the cause of civil and religious liberty.” Work was finished in 1888 with its completion celebrated in August 1889.

“The faith the Pilgrims demonstrated by coming to the New World so that they might freely worship God is inspiring,” says Kevin Blackston, Philosateleian Post’s proprietor, who had the opportunity to visit the National Monument to the Forefathers with his family in August 2024, almost exactly 135 years after its dedication. “There’s little question their beliefs and actions influenced the development of the future United States and the freedoms we have today.”

Technical Specifications

Format: sheets of 36 (9×4). Plate number: P241111. Design size: 23×42 mm. Overall size: 26×45 mm. Separation method: perforated 12. Adhesive: water-activated dry gum. Printing method: laser.

Philatelic Services

To receive a mint single of Philosateleian Post’s National Monument to the Forefathers stamp, or for first day cover service, send either $2 or a self-addressed stamped envelope and your request to:

Kevin Blackston
Philosateleian Post
PO Box 217
Floresville TX 78114-0217
United States of America

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