Germany Scott B442–B445 Horses on 1969 air mail cover
Price: $0.99
Germany Scott B442–B445 on 1969 air mail cover. Cover bears single copies of each stamp from set:
- Scott B442 10pf+5pf Pony
- Scott B443 20pf+10pf Work Horse (with selvage)
- Scott B444 30pf+15pf Hotblood
- Scott B445 50pf+25pf Thoroughbred
Postmarked in Amtzell, Germany, on March 12, 1969, just over a month after stamps were issued, and mailed to Kenneth Hundley of El Paso, Texas.
Cover contains letter typewritten in German. Upper corners of cover are wrinkled; cover is opened at bottom.
Product code: DE00B0044200UC0